Addressing Loneliness
Tips To Tackle Loneliness Loneliness in later life is a significant...
Being surrounded by a wonderful group of friends and supportive staff has exceeded Michael and Pat’s expectations since they moved to The Woodlands.
Having spent 41 years in their family home, the couple decided to move to a ground floor apartment and to enjoy the thriving community without the worries of maintaining a big house and garden.
Before moving to The Woodlands, Michael and Pat had lived in Bramhall for 53 years, and they had been living in their four bedroomed detached house for 41 years.
Pat said: “Our house was getting too big, and the cleaning was too much. It was new when we moved into it, but things needed renewing every so often. When we had to empty the kitchen to have it decorated or to regrout, it was all just a bit too much. We had a big garden too and that was getting too big for us really.”
Michael and Pat had almost decided to move to another Adlington Retirement Living community in Cheadle a few years previously.
Pat said: “Our good friends were going to move there but decided not to, so we started looking around at private apartments in Bramhall. I didn’t want us to be in a flat, on our own, shut off from the world and we didn’t see anything that we liked, so we forgot about it.
“Then this year, our same friends came to see The Woodlands. When they decided to buy here, they invited us to coffee mornings and a Jubilee luncheon, so we came to a lot of things. My husband was bowled over and he wanted to move here.”
Moving to a ground floor apartment, with no stairs and help on hand had become more important to both Michael and Pat.
Michael said: “We had a beautiful garden and a big greenhouse at the end. I could foresee my wife going into the greenhouse and taking a tumble and going right through the glass. It was an accident waiting to happen. Also, I had been very poorly this year in February and wasn’t expected to live. Thankfully, I recovered and I’m here today. But when I came home, I was in a hospital bed downstairs in our house in Bramhall with carers and nurses, and I had to learn to walk again.”
Pat said: “I’d had a couple of falls before we decided to move. The first one was in 2020. I fainted and cracked my ribs. That took ages to heal. Then on another occasion in the same year, I fell in the garden and dislocated two of the vertebrae in my neck.
“I had another fall this year when I was gardening and hurt my leg. It took 12 weeks to heal with a nurse dressing it. That was after Mike’s illness in February, so we had a bit of a bad year. Mike thought moving here would be ideal. We’ll be on the flat and if one of us is ill, the other one can eat in the restaurant.
“My most recent fall happened just a few weeks ago, thankfully after we had moved. We were at the supermarket, and as I stepped off the escalator I fell and broke my femur. It was horrible. I was in hospital for three weeks and I now have a dynamic screw in my leg with a plate. Thank goodness we’d already moved here because if I’d still been at our previous house, I couldn’t manage stairs or anything like that and it would have been a repeat of what my husband had in February with everything having to be set up downstairs for me.
“The thing we liked most about our apartment was the space and the fact that it opens out onto the garden. Although there are good lifts here, we like the fact that it’s on the ground floor because of my falls but also because we love the garden. The apartments upstairs have a nice view and a balcony to step out onto, but we’ve got our patio and we can walk straight out and sit in the sunshine or walk around the paths in the communal gardens and go to see the vegetable gardens and things like that.
Michael said: “We haven’t done any gardening here yet but as I get better, next year, I will hopefully grow some tomatoes and maybe a cucumber and we have certain plants that we’re going to bring up and have on our patio.”
Since their move, the combination of supportive staff and lovely neighbours has made a real difference to both Pat and Michael.
Pat said: “The whole set up here is so well run. I just can’t believe how settled I feel now that we’re here.”
Michael said: “The staff are lovely and caring. I can’t speak too highly of them. They always ask if everything’s alright and if there’s anything I need. They’re all great.”
Pat said: “When I came back from hospital they popped in and they gave me a hug and they said they’d been so worried about me. If I could have handpicked all the people who work here, they would be this team.”
Pat said: “Our neighbours are all lovely too. One lady who lives here baked a traybake and gave it to Mike and he brought it into hospital. Two of the waitresses sent me a card and a box of biscuits. Another lady who lives here gave me a plant. They’re just lovely people. I can’t believe how lucky we are. Both staff and neighbours.”
Since moving to The Woodlands, Michael and Pat have continued their active social lives.
Pat said: “It’s nice that there are all these activities going on that you can get involved with if you want to. There are just lovely things going on all the time. We have quiz nights, film nights, take-away meal nights, we bring in fish & chips.
“I’m joining a weekly art class here on a Monday afternoon in the activity room. I used to paint a bit. There’s also a book club and we’re talking about going out to the theatre sometime. It’s just lovely.”
Their family are regular visitors to The Woodlands too.
“We’re having Christmas Day here. The family are all coming here for Christmas. Both daughters and our son-in-law, our granddaughter and grandson, my brother and his wife and us two. We’ll have Christmas dinner in the restaurant and then come back to our apartment to do presents.”
With a combination of old friends and new, Michael and Pat have been thoroughly enjoying the sense of community at The Woodlands.
Pat said: “In a house you might not see many people whereas here if I’m busy doing jobs, Mike might just say he’s popping down to the lounge and he comes back having bumped into friends. It’s really brilliant. There’s a real sense of community. Everybody’s so nice to each other. There’s nothing I don’t like about living here.”
Michael said: “We knew we’d enjoy it, but we didn’t think it was going to be as good as this. It’s everything that I expected and more.”
Read more about Michael and Pat’s story here