The Health And Well-Being Benefits Of Retirement Living

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15th Jan Lifestyle

The Health And Well-Being Benefits Of Retirement Living

Retirement communities can have an incredibly positive impact on both the physical and mental health of homeowners.

Various reports have shown that they reduce unplanned hospital stays and that homeowners are more physically active, show reduced levels of isolation and loneliness and have reduced levels of anxiety.

According to ARCO, the independent body that sets standards for retirement communities, when they move to a retirement community:

  • Homeowners experience a 75% increase in the amount of exercise done, and a reduction in falls within two years.
  • Their mental health and wellbeing improves with a 24% decrease in anxiety symptoms among owners and residents, and only 1% saying they often feel isolated.
  • Average unplanned hospital stays go down from 8-14 days to 1-2 days.

Well-Being Of Our Homeowners

We know from speaking to our Adlington Retirement Living homeowners, that becoming part of a thriving community can make a huge difference.

Trevor, a retired doctor who moved to The Sidings in Lytham, Lancashire, last year, said:

“I’m more socially active here than I have been for a long time. I’d become totally isolated and an old curmudgeon! I remember my sister saying to me when I’d only been here for two or three weeks, she said: ‘you’re a totally different person’ and my daughter said the same.

“I am so, so pleased I came. I’ve got back to my normal self. I’m not so insular. I enjoy meeting people and talking to them. There’s a good sense of community here. I’ve made some good friends.”

Having spent his working life as a medical practitioner, Trevor can see the health benefits of retirement living.

“I think one of the big benefits of moving to a retirement community is the stimulus of other people at this time of life. If somebody has been on their own, as I know very well, you can sink into not wanting to do anything. You lose your ability to think properly, and to converse properly, and you start to go downhill.

“Looking back now, I didn’t realise at the time, that’s exactly what happened to me. The stimulus of moving into a place like this can be of great benefit.

“Physically it helps too. I make sure that if I can’t get out into Lytham, I do two laps of The Sidings in the morning and two laps in the afternoon. I think four laps is not much short of a mile so that’s the least that I do and when I think about it, I try to use the stairs as much as I can.”

He also appreciates the additional support that’s always on hand.

“Having support from the on-site management team played a part in my decision to move here. I thought ‘I can’t be too proud. I’m getting old now and you never know what might happen’ so I thought it was a good idea. We have the buzzers in case anything goes wrong and I see one of the managers every day.

“I think retirement living and having that support is a good way to avoid having to go into an old folks’ home and a good way to stay independent.

“The managers are very good because if they haven’t seen somebody that day they go and make sure that they’re ok. They’re on the ball all the time.

“I think another benefit is knowing that you’re going to be safe. I think that’s a big thing for some people. Quite a few older people have very little self-confidence left and I think that’s bolstered quite a bit by the staff here being so caring and thoughtful.”

Well-being Dr Trevor

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