Addressing Loneliness
Tips To Tackle Loneliness Loneliness in later life is a significant...
A group of retired Homeowners, at The Chimes, on Lime Grove in Cheadle, and The Bridges, on Buxton Road in Macclesfield, have started 2020 with a focus on fitness to improve their physical and mental wellbeing.
Adlington Retirement Living, the developer behind the two retirement communities, was inspired to introduce a tailored fitness programme after recent studies highlighted the benefits of regular physical activity, even if you don’t start exercising until your senior years.
Alexandra Johnson, Sales and Marketing Director for Adlington Retirement Living said: “Getting active is not just about adding years to your life, it’s about improving your quality of life too. One of the studies we read highlighted muscle strengthening activities as an important way to maintain balance in the body. In addition to all the benefits that come with reducing stress hormones and maintaining or losing weight, this also reduces the risk of falling and helps to maintain independence on a day-to-day basis.
“A number of our Homeowners expressed an interest in some sort of regular fitness classes, so we invited Physiofit to run classes at The Chimes in Cheadle and The Bridges in Macclesfield. Physiofit classes are run by a trained later life specialist to ensure the classes are safe, progressive and appropriate for the group. They have been really popular, with more than 20 regular participants.
“We know that regular exercise is the key to improving health and well-being. These specially designed classes promote independence by maintaining and improving participants’ balance to reduce unnecessary trips and falls and increases their all-round flexibility, strength and mobility. The social benefits of these classes cannot be underestimated, there are smiles all round while everyone is working hard on their fitness.”
According to the latest report from the Office for National Statistics, 70 is the new 65. Our life expectancy has vastly increased over the years, thanks to improvements in healthcare and living conditions and we’re now more likely to be fit and healthy into our mid 80s and beyond.
A recent Norwegian study found that physical activity is the number one contributor to longevity, adding extra years to your life, even if you don’t start exercising until your senior years.
The Homeowners at The Chimes and The Bridges plan to boost their energy levels, maintain their independence, protect their hearts and, in some cases, manage symptoms of illness or pain, through regular exercise.
Joe Woodcock, Chartered Physiotherapist at Physiofit, said: “Last year, the UK’s Chief Medical Officer issued guidelines for physical activity in the older person. The guidelines highlighted the importance of regular physical activity for: good physical and mental function; social interaction; gaining a sense of control over your own health and well-being; and managing or coping with symptoms or functional limitations.
“Essentially, exercise is as close as you can get to a magic pill for healthy ageing. The benefits are wide ranging physically and mentally and it’s never too late to start.”